"An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance." - John C. Maxwell
Yesterday, you broke down your goals into more manageable quarterly and weekly plans.
Today is all about intention.
Living intentionally means actively shaping your life rather than letting outside forces shape it for you. Choosing to live a life by design, not by default.
One of the most effective ways to live with intention is to be keenly aware of where your time is going.
When you fail to set intentions for your time, you give others the power to shape your days and, ultimately, your life.
Today you’re going to use the Ideal Ordinary Week Exercise to reclaim that power.
Here’s how it works:
Consider what an “ideal week” would look like for you. Be sure to include all work, health, and relationship obligations.
Next, create a blank Google Calendar and block out reasonable times for your top priorities. For example: